Alternative Energy: American as Apple Pie?

There's a great quote from this article on Amendment 37 in Colorado which proposes requiring large utilities to produce 10 percent of their power from renewable energy resources by 2015.
"Renewable energy is like apple pie. Everyone is for it. Ostensibly."
However Xcel and two other utilities are arguing against Amendment 37. And, as of the latest campaign-finance reports, they have contributed nearly all of the funds that will be used to hurl a torpedo at Amendment 37.
The article concludes:
Today, we rely on largely on finite and foreign energy sources. The cost of those resources will only go up, particularly when production starts going down. When that day comes, the investments we make now in renewable power will be a blessing.
For all these reasons, the prudent vote on Amendment 37 is yes.
Daily Camera Article on Amendment 37 on renewable energy in Colorado
GreenDigit's article on Colorado's Amendment 37
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