Alternative Energy China: Asia's Largest Wind Farm

A private company plans to build Asia's biggest wind farm in the sea south of Shanghai, setting up 100 turbines in shallow coastal waters, an industry group said Thursday.
The announcement of the 2 billion yuan (US$250 million) project comes as China struggles with severe electricity shortages while also trying to reduce its heavy reliance on dirty coal-fired power plants.
Zhejiang Green Power Investment Co. is to build the project along the coast of Daishan County in Zhejiang, the province south of Shanghai, the China Electricity Council said. It didn't say when construction was to begin.
The wind farm is to have a generating capacity of 200 megawatts, according to the council, the main trade group for China's power industry.
At the end of 2004, China's total wind power capacity was a mere 730 megawatts.Labels: alternative energy, asia, china, wind energy, wind power
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